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DAE CHANG (´ëâÁ¤°ø)
Address 918-3 41B-4L, Woram-dong, Dalseo-gu, Dae-gu
president KyoungRe, Cho
TEL 82-53-581-8338
FAX 82-53-582-5922
Homepage Homepage
Employee 35
Date of Establishment 1977
About Us
Since its establishment in 1977. Dae-Chang has been a dedicated auto parts manufacturer, and has collaborated with many partners. Recently the company`s success has been challenged as the Korean domestic market became stagnant.
However, the company is not frustrated by this difficult period, but takes it as an opportunity to grow stronger, and solidify the company`s market strength.

Dae-chang appreciated the great support from customers, and promises them that we will never stop working for them until 100% customer satisfaction is achieved.
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